Big corporate sucks! For years I have grown in my dislike of all things big and corporate. If the impersonal service isn’t bad enough the high prices on “retail” will be. We have had a couple “Geek Squad” employees interview here and they both said the same thing. They are only allowed to do certain things regardless of the problem and they just don’t care about the customer. Working with the heavy hand of corporate big brother watching your every move cant be fun, but hey, it’s a job right? Well below is a link to an article about “FireDog” which is Circuit City’s attempt at computer “service.”

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e martë, 5 shkurt 2008
Big chain store service
e mërkurë, 18 korrik 2007
Net Neutrality - Save the Internet!!!
Hello all!
AT&T Corp
General Electric (NBC Universal)
News Corporation
Viacom, Inc.
Walt Disney Company
Comcast Corp
Although these entities are constantly changing their names (“Cingular’s name is now AT&T” as their newest ads claim), buying up competition and merging with each other they effectively control almost everything we see, read and hear. Magazines, newspapers, radio stations, television and so on. Why is this bad? This is precisely the reason we see breaking news about Paris Hilton’s sock color or Anna Nicole Smith’s “baby daddy” instead of real news or programming. If you want to be spoon fed your cherry-picked daily news this may not be a problem for you. I however enjoy getting the full story and having the freedom to decide for myself without bias. This leads me to my favorite source of information, the internet. As of the 1996 telecom act a concept called “net neutrality” was outlined and became the standard for all information crossing through the net. In essence it means that all packets of information are to be treated equally regardless of their type, content or origin. This means that my blog is given the same anonymous treatment as the New York Times website, or Google, etc. This is infinitely important to the internet as it’s what makes using the web so great. You can choose to go anywhere you want unhindered and of your own accord. It’s all about the personal choice. Currently all the ISP’s (internet service providers) and Telcos (telephone companies) can do is route your traffic without actually looking at what it contains. It’s all treated equally without any preferential treatment. An email to your grandmother is treated the same as a million dollar order for computer parts. This works great and again it’s what makes the internet, well…. The internet. So, for the last couple of years the lobbyists of these media companies have been pushing our Congress (*COUGH* - Ted Stevens from Alaska - *COUGH*) to redraft this legislation and leave out net neutrality language. Why on earth would they do that? Well, for starters I suspect some campaign contributions had something to do with it. In reality I don’t know why, but I can tell you it will change everything. In hearing Senator Stevens testify in Congress about the reasons we need this it fills me with one clear thought. He has obviously no idea what he is talking about. You can listen for yourself here:
Error 554 HVU:B1
* 554 HVU:B1
There is at least one URL in your email that is generating substantial complaints from AOL members.
In any case, if net neutrality is allowed to die you can expect this to happen in every part of the web. Your attempt to get to Google is suddenly timed out or replaced by Verizon-oogle. I liken this whole situation to the electrical grid. This whole issue would be like the electric company telling you what you could or could not plug into your wall socket, or potentially what brand of appliance you could or couldn’t use. This must not be allowed to happen. Without me rambling on anymore I would just like you to investigate this more if I have peaked your interest. A good place to start is here:
feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and I am happy to give you more information!